| August 2017
(Deutsch) »Weltgemeinschaft Reformierter Kirchen«
(Deutsch) Ein Mobile aus fast tausend einzelnen Elementen.
| August 2017
(Deutsch) Ein Mobile aus fast tausend einzelnen Elementen.
| August 2017
(Deutsch) Das Ziehboard – ein Hängeschränkchen für den täglichen Bedarf.
| November 2014
(Deutsch) 1. Preis des Realisierungswettbewerbes für ein Informations und Orientierungssystems der Staatlichen Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsens in Zusammenarbeit mit Fritjof Wild und Michael Blomeier. blomeier-lessing-wild.de
| December 2013
(Deutsch) Eine Auswahl von Ausstellungen der Düsseldorfer Designergruppe »TEILMÖBLIERT«.
| December 2013
(Deutsch) Informations- und Orientierungssystem für die Innenstadt im Rahmen des Wettbewerbs „Leiten und Lenken“. blomeier-lessing-wild.de
| December 2012
(Deutsch) Auf den Spuren von Weyhe, Pigage und Co. Zu einem Spaziergang der besonderen Art lädt die Stadt Düsseldorf.
| December 2011
Clip Rail, designed for side by side. Simple and versatile. Since 2011 produced and distributed by Side by Side.
| November 2011
The basic form of the „autumn foliage“ is a sphere, which is composed of 10 identical elements out of thin ply wood.
| December 2010
(Deutsch) Die Ruhmmaschine.
15 Sekunden steht Dein Werk im Mittelpunkt.
Eine Installation der »anonymen Gestalter«.
| December 2010
You may sometimes receive mail that deserves to be stored. The things you receive: invitations, birth announcements, greeting cards sent from people on their summer holiday …
| December 2010
A piece of furniture to avoid mess and for storing convenience goods: rectangular sheet metal parts behind sliding doors leave space for plenty of shoes. Keys, mobile phones and digital cameras can be placed into storage tray cups; lying hidden beneath – but at arm’s length – are the charging devices.
| December 2010
Oh, if only one could be a space traveller, and able to look at things from a sufficiently detached point of view. Many a problem would look totally different …
| December 2010
Whether it’s catalogues, files, fiction and poetry, or non-fiction books – thin steel pusher walls keep everything in order as they can be positioned with a handle. The number and size of the drawers can be changed at any time. This shelving unit adapts to any book collection!
| December 2010
The living room landscape can be ever-changing with the Build A Sofa. This modular seating consists of nine foam stones that the user can configure into any seating pattern desired: nine stools, a fort of an armchair, a chaise longue, etc. Nobody should resist the urge to play.
| November 2010
The shape develops from a geometric definition. Like blossoms at a bare tree the pointers are spangled with 32 white crystal balls.
| December 2009
Neither crystal nor jewels decorate this chandelier.
Refraction is caused by 20 bottles of ordinary glass.
| December 2009
Your flat has got no garden nor balcony – and it gets way too hot in summer?
| December 2008
The new plug-in system* enables the owner to choose his individual formation of the rack and an easily expansion. The rack can be set up without any tool. The customer appoints the number of modules and combines the surfaces by himself. So each rack becomes an unique.
| November 2008
Our grandmothers used to have a lace tea-cloth we used as a model for this table. The traditional lace was interpreted with modern technology completely new.
| December 2006
Whether it be a mix of Asian vegetables, an English bean soup or German malt coffee –
the choice is yours!
| December 2004
An exhibition from the illustrators of the comic magazin Herrensahne.
| December 2002
(Deutsch) Platzgestaltung und skulpurales Orientierungssystem – Mediapark Köln.